Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 2 (SS).png (2507 bytes)

Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 2 (GS).png (5379 bytes)

Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 3 (SS).png (3746 bytes) Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 3 (GS).png (15028 bytes)
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 3 {Sangokushi 3} (SS).png (5656 bytes)
Name: Romance of the Three Kingdoms series (3 titles)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 - Dragon of Destiny
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 4 - Wall of Fire
Author/Vendor: Koei
Released: various
Type: Strategy
Language: English and Japanese
Premise: Koei's highly-regarded series of historical strategy sims about the long and laborious process involved in China's transition from an almalgam of warring feudal states into a unified country. You assume the role of one of the principal warlords involved in the "unification" process.
Impressions: This series is every bit as good as the Nobunaga Trilogy, so it's a must for strategy types. Graphics and sound are only fair, but it's the Risk-style gameplay where it shines.
Variations: The first installment in the series is apparently not available for the platform.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 (1991)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 - Dragon of Destiny (1993)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 4 - Wall of Fire (1995, no cart dump known to exist at this time)
Recommended Emu: Genecyst X