2D - two-dimensional, has either height-length or length-width,
sometimes height-width
3D - three-dimensional, everything appears to have height, length, and
adult - English term for "sexually explicit;" the term denotes
a strong Occidental flavor as opposed to Oriental
anime - Japanese word for "animation;" denotes a particular and
highly recognizable style of graphics design popularized in Japan by Osamu Tezuka back in
the 1960s
chan - Japanese term for "intimately familiar person;" see
first person - action appears to be taking place directly from the
player's perspective, as if he/she were actually taking part within the game itself
hentai - Japanese term for "sexually explicit;" the term
denotes a strong Oriental flavor as opposed to Occidental
isometric - pseudo 3D perspective in which both length and width are set
at opposing angles from the horizon, often requiring two-button combinations to move
directly forward-back or left-right, not to be confused with "slant-view"
kawaii - Japanese word for "overly cute;" commonly used in
association with chan-style games, see also "SD"
lollicom - a hentai variation on chan-style involving SD females
manga - Japanese term for "comic book;" see also
otaku - Japanese word for "fanboy;" used in the same sense as
"Trekkie" to denote people who are overly fond of anime
pachinko - commonly known as "Japanese pinball," in which steel
balls are fed through an intricately designed vertical pinball-style board - you buy your
own balls at the pachinko parlors, and can win all sorts of prizes based on how well you
pachislot - a Japanese take on Western-style slot machines that has in
addition to the lever a series of "skill stops" that give you some control over
each of the three spinning reels - the object is the same, though, as you must achieve
certain patterns (three of anything is desired) in order to win the various prises offered
SD - short for "super-deformed;" a peculiar variant of anime in
in which cute-looking midget charactures are used often to parody well-known anime/manga
titles or as comic relief within the same - frequently referred to as
"chan-style" by otaku with knowledge of Japanese
sensei - Japanese term for "teacher, master;" used in the
latter sense to denote one who commands mastery of a given craft
shojo - Japanese term for "girlish;" anything aimed at young
shonen - Japanese term for "boyish;" anything aimed at young
shiatsu - a peculiarly Japanese take on the popular sexual fetish of
bondage in which the submissive is restrained via large, coarse ropes bound about in
predefined locations and patterns so as to enhance sexual stimulation
side scroll - action is viewed as if the player were directly beside it;
it begins at one side of the screen and scrolls to the other - usually left-to-right,
rarely right-to-left
slant view - pseudo 3D perspective in which only one of the axes of
motion is slanted, usually either length or width but rarely height, not to be confused
with "isometric"
top-down - action is viewed as if the player were directly overhead
YACEG - pronounced "yaah-segh," acronym for "Yet Another
Celebrity Endorsed Game"