Double Dragon (SS).png (11999 bytes)

Double Dragon (GS).png (12204 bytes)

Double Dragon 5 - The Shadow Falls (SS).png (10258 bytes) Double Dragon 5 - The Shadow Falls (GS).png (8781 bytes)
Name: Double Dragon series (4 titles)
Double Dragon
Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone
Double Dragon 5 - The Shadow Falls
Author/Vendor: Tecnos Japan/Accolade
Released: various
Type: Fighting
Language: English
Premise: The platform brawler that started it all, this legendary series focuses on the lives of the Lee twins - two skilled street fighters who use their martial arts talent to further the cause of justice.
Impressions: A well-known series that was good in its day, but for some reason just couldn't find a way to adapt well to new plots and formats. By the time that the final installment rolled around, it bore little resemblance to its intense and at times daring ancestors. Get the first two for the memories (or the history); you can skip the rest if you so wish.
Variations: Double Dragon (1989, rereleased in 1992 by Acclaim - first in the series, in which the Lee twins' favorite girl is kidnapped by a street gang - this was the first brawler with this premise, and it spawned oh-too-many imitators - dare I mention Art of Fighting, Final Fury, and Streets of Rage?)
Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge (1991, released by Palsoft - this game opens with the shooting death of the aforementioned girlfriend right before the Lee twins' eyes in a scene which was quite controversial in its day, so all they care about now is revenge - graphics have noticeably improved, and you now have the ability to accidentally hurt each other in two-player mode)
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (1992, released by Flying Edge - the vendor's name says it all, as the quality of the series begins to drop with this "world tour" adventure for the boys)
Double Dragon 4 - The Return is not available for the Genesis
Double Dragon 5 - The Shadow Falls (1994, released by Legend and marketed by Tradewest - "Aaackk! What a way for this series to die!" reads the Rage Games review, as the coders abandon everything that made the originals so entertaining in favor of a lame Street Fighter 2 clone)
Recommended Emu: Genecyst X (second game requires HBlank 168)