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Name: Battletoads series (2 titles)
Battletoads and Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team
Author/Vendor: Rare/Tradewest
Released: 1991
Type: Fighting
Language: English
Premise: Who you gonna call? The Battletoads? Yes, these three, er, um, "fellas" would make turtle soup out of the Ninja Turtles - and besides, their chief nemesis the Dark Queen has more sex appeal than Shredder ever would. A series of platform fighters that appear to be either a tongue-in-cheek homage or a direct ripoff of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Impressions: Venerable platform slugfest ported from the old NES, but with several minor improvements. It's difficult, but it's worth checking out. (Rage Games)
Variations: Battletoads (1991, straightforward port of the 8-bit NES original with several minor improvements - difficult, according to Rage Games, but worth checking out)
Battletoads and Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team (1993, the Lee twins help the Battletoads fight space aliens - a bit more of a fighter than its predecessor, but the graphics have taken a hit in the process)
Recommended Emu: Genecyst X